Saturday, November 2, 2019

Nursing Practice Foundation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Nursing Practice Foundation - Essay Example This essay approves that neatness and cleanliness can't be achieved without the total support of those who must be neat and clean. If the nursing service provider (the nurse) feels forced to behave against her or his will or beliefs, they tend to focus on the lousy way they're being treated rather than on delighting the customer. And they almost have to pass their feelings on to the patient because the service is inseparable from the (nurse) provider. The typical patient isn't pleased with poor, inadequate service or even adequate service if it's delivered by a grouch. The resulting damage to the image of the organization in such instances is expensive and wide ranging. It's also unnecessary. employees can't be empowered by management from on high. They have to accept the power offered, which means there must be something in it for them. It seems to us that, because quality is viewed by patients as including tangibles, the nursing profession itself must demand appropriate attention b e given to tangibles. As research has repeatedly indicated, professionals, whether nurses, engineers, or teachers, generally identify more closely with the profession than with the specific organization they serve. This report makes a conclusion that management should work through the nurses themselves to set customer-determined levels of tangibles for nursing. Encourage the nurses to set the metrics to close the loop, together with a process of feedback and analysis and providing incentives aligned with the agreed-upon goals. Then hold nurses accountable as a team and individually, rewarding results appropriately.

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