Monday, November 11, 2019

Consumer Materials Enterprises Essay

Before accelerating employees’ interest in worker satisfaction, David Gold has to fix the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors because the conflict is the main issue in this case. If this issue can be fixed, all of the supervisors will be able to improve other employees’ satisfaction. Thus, the problem statement is how can the company reduce the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors. Explain the behavior. There are external issues and internal issues. For external issues, supervisors have low motivation because they are lack of confidence. They are seen as the â€Å"losers† of the organization and it is hard for them to watch others moving up. For internal issues, newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors are separated into two sub-groups. The management has a personal relationship with the older experienced supervisors and this is causing some issues around forcing the older experienced supervisors to change. College graduates supervisors complain that the older supervisors don’t want to try anything new and they are upset when advice is not followed. In contrast, the older supervisors don’t trust college graduates supervisors and they think college graduates supervisors only want to make a big impression to get ahead. As a result, people in two groups don’t like each other and they feel low self-determination. They cannot control their over their own actions and two groups threat each other. Analyze the theories Self-determination theory is a theory of motivation that aims to explain individuals’ goal-directed behavior. In the case, there is a company culture clash going on. The older experienced supervisors are trying to continue on in the old ways, and college graduates supervisors are obviously trying to forge a new culture. The truth is that management is not willing to change or that the older experienced supervisors don’t see the need for change. Both groups try to control over their own actions. Due to two main reasons, supervisors start feeling their tasks more like obligations which they don’t feel engaged. First, the conflict occurs because their values and work habits are different. One of the groups is forced to change in the most cases. Second, the company doesn’t give them enough authority. The feeling undermines their motivation, so the company’s goals will not be achieved. Objectives * Improving employee satisfaction * Improving cooperation and understanding * Reducing turnover rate Alternatives: * Creating a reward-and-motivation program * Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting * Empowering supervisors Consequences of Alternatives David wants to create the atmosphere of â€Å"one big happy family†. The concept behind â€Å"one big happy family† is to improve employee satisfaction. There is a link between how motivated employees are at their workplace and their level of job satisfaction. A company endeavors to increase job satisfaction so employee motivation will also improve, resulting in better job performance and increased efficiency. Furthermore, the cooperation with the business is important for the long-term success towards achieving sustainable management. Also, the company has high turnover rate. High turnover often means that employees are unhappy with the work or compensation. The way to fix high turnover rate is to increase employee’s satisfaction. There are three alternatives. First, the employee reward program is one method of increasing employee’s extrinsic motivation to change work habits and key behaviors to benefit a small business. Extrinsic motivation is a less preferred state than intrinsic motivation, but better than being unmotivated. Second, rotating shifts can allow the general supervisor to understand each shift’s working condition. The weekly meeting can enforce the communication among supervisors and reduce the level of the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors. Also, supervisors can understand the company’s direction and be more satisfied in their jobs. Third, empowering supervisors can also enhance their motivation at jobs. Each supervisor can set personal goals, and they will feel a sense of accomplishment rather than obligation. Tradeoffs / Analysis of Alternatives Based on the criteria listed in each objective, an importance weight was assigned, which ranged from 1 to 5.† Improving employee satisfaction† was assigned a weight of 5 because employee satisfaction is a factor in employee motivation, employee goal achievement, and positive employee morale in the workplace. â€Å"Improving cooperation and understanding† was given a weight of 5. David sets up the first off-site meeting and he wants supervisors to be cooperative. â€Å"Reducing turnover rate† is weighted a 3. High turnover rate may effect operation of the refill packaging unit. However, refill packaging is not high skill job so the damage of turnover is low. For â€Å"Creating a reward-and-motivation program†, I assigned a score of 10 for the goals â€Å"Improving employee satisfaction† and â€Å"Reducing turnover rate† because Supervisors’ motivation can be encouraged by rewarding them. For the second goal, â€Å"Improving cooper ation and understanding† I assigned a score of 8. Employees will learn from others who get rewards from the company. Hence, a reward-and-motivation program can reduce the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors. They won’t insist on doing what they think right. They will follow the company’s direction. For the second strategy alternative, â€Å"Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting†, the company gets 10 points for the second goal of â€Å"Improving cooperation and understanding† and the third goal of â€Å"Reducing turnover rate† because Supervisors can get a chance to communicate face-face with others. The conflict can be reduced by understanding other Supervisors’ thoughts. The first goal, â€Å"Improving employee satisfaction â€Å", I assigned a score of 9. Rotating shifts may reduce some of employees’ satisfaction. They do something and they don’t learn new skill even though their shifts are rotated. Some Supervisors might feel annoying because their shifts are rotated. For the third strategy alternative, â€Å"Empower supervisors†, I gave 10 points for â€Å"Improving employee satisfaction†. Supervisors don’t have enough authority to manage their employees. Empowering supervisors can help them manage their employees and increase their job motivation. Also, empowering supervisors can reduce supervisor’s turnover rate. Thus, I gave 7 points for the third goal â€Å"Reducing turnover rate†. Recommendation The conflict result from lack of communication and low motivation. I suggest David creates a reward-and-motivation program, rotate shifts, and have weekly meeting. A reward program can increase supervisors’ motivation. Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting can get supervisor communicate with each other and understand others thoughts and managing skills. Table 1: Consequence Table Strategies →Goals ↓| Creating a reward-and-motivation program| Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting| Empower supervisors | Improving employee satisfaction | * Increasing employee’s extrinsic motivation. * getting more extrinsic motivation| * Supervisors will be able to learn from other supervisors | * Supervisors will get more control over their action * They get motivation to do their jobs | Improving cooperation and understanding | * understanding the goals of the company| * allowing the general supervisor to understand each shift’s working condition * enforcing the communication among supervisors and reduce the level of the conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors| N/A| Reducing turnover rate| * being willing to stay in the job * getting more extrinsic motivation| * getting chance to learn from others | * Supervisors can have ability to reduce turnover rate | Table 2: Weighted/ Ranked Consequences Table Strategies →Goals ↓| Weights(Range of 1-5) | Creating a reward-and-motivation programs | Rotating shifts and having weekly meeting| Empower supervisors | Improving employee satisfaction | 5| 10[5]| 9[5]| 10[5]| Improving cooperation and understanding | 5| 8[5]| 10[5]| 3[5]| Reducing turnover rate| 3| 10[3]| 10[3]| 7[3]| | Ranked Total | 28| 29| 20| | Weighted total | 120| 125| 56| Make inferences There are several factors that may cause the low employee satisfaction in Consummate Corporation’s refill packaging unit. First, there is a conflict between newly hired college graduates and the older experienced supervisors. College graduates and the older experienced supervisors have different values and working attitudes. They always have different opinions at work. Second, employees who work in the refill packaging unit are considered to have the lowest status in Consummate Corporation. Third, supervisors aren’t given more control over their schedules, environment, and/or work habits. In addition, commination is missing among the general supervisor, each shift product supervisors, and workers. There are a lot of uncontested assumptions circulating about people on different shift, and supervisor will just make judgments by what they perceive it to be. However, those judgments are always wrong. Finally, workers who work overtime can have higher salaries than their supervisors. That makes supervisors have low motivation to accomplish their tasks. Overall, because of the low employee satisfaction, employees who work at the refill packaging unit fail to accomplish the organizational goals and some even violate laws and the company’s policy.

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